Paul Precht, founder of Paul Precht Energy Economics Ltd, is a Canadian-based energy economist, with over 35 years of experience in government, consulting and teaching. Paul has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Economics and Political Science, and a Master of Arts Degree in Economics, from the University of Alberta
Paul’s experience, including over 20 years with Alberta Energy, provides a solid foundation for the work of Paul Precht Energy Economics Ltd, with highlights that include:
- First Executive Director of Oil Sands and Upgrading in Alberta Department of Energy
- Executive Director, Markets and Regulatory Policy
- Key Alberta representative on National Task Force on Oil Sands Strategies
- Co-Chair of Canada-Alberta Partnership on Minerals
- Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, Sustainable Energy Development
- Secondment to Petro-Canada International Assistance Corporation as Economic Advisor to the Minister of Energy and the national oil company of Tanzania.